Thanksgiving in February

Last week I received this card from the people at Free Wheelchair Mission. Just out of the blue. Some of the employees have become friends, but I was so surprised, especially since my last donation was in November.


The sweet boy on the card looks thrilled. He must have just received his wheelchair. His life has done a complete 180! I don’t know how he got around before, but some of their recipients have spent their lives crawling on the ground. He now can go to school, later open a business and provide for his family.

I’m getting ahead of myself; of course, I’m just excited for him. But there are 100 million people just like him. But they don’t have wheelchairs. 100 million!

Being disabled, and having cheated death a few times myself, it highlights what’s truly important. And here’s a clue: it’s not what our politicians have been squabbling over.

Our priest says something that is so true: “If you were born in America, you have already won the lottery.”

If you are disabled, that goes double.

An American Hero

Thank you so much, Sarah (who is now a blogger at Pizza and, for bringing this to my attention. My sister tagged me in a post on Facebook that obviously has great meaning to me. But what she said is so true. In our society we have too many groups that say they are the “forgotten ones” to count. People demand change by loudly organizing marches and protests.

I may be biased, but I think there is a forgotten group: the physically disabled.

slide21-ed-at-demonstration_thmSarah posted a link from Time about Ed Roberts, a polio victim, whose work for the physically disabled is truly inspiring.   He passed away the year I was born, but I wish I could hug him and say thanks for his work.

If you want to read the article, click here.

Need An Idea For Mother’s Day?

I have always been fascinated by how people in other countries live. What do they eat? How do they dress? What are their homes like?

How does someone like me—someone who is disabled—live in, say, Africa? I Googled it. What I found could bring me to tears. The disabled in developing countries literally have to crawl on the ground. Those are the “lucky” ones. Others face a life in bed.

You could say knowing that ignited a passion.

With all of my searches of how to help, one charity kept popping up: Free Wheelchair Mission.


They provide low-cost wheelchairs to people in developing countries at no cost to them. Wheelchair recipients have been able to go to school, open businesses, and just provide for their families.

It’s unfathomable, but something I don’t think twice about is so out of reach to 100 million people around the globe.

Haven’t shopped for Mother’s Day yet? Consider making a donation in Mom’s name.

I am going to do all I can do to help. I hope you click on this link to learn more.