Who Needs a Blanket When You Have This?

IMG_0155I complain about it all the time: my routine is the same every day. Wake up at six thirty; watch the news, medicine, “Good Morning America,” my aide, Maria, arrives at eight, shower… To most people, having your life run like clockwork would be maddening

In some ways having my life run on a schedule is comforting. It’s a sense of security. Predictability.

Looking back it could be for other reasons, but it seems like when the routine is broken, trouble follows. I could be in the hospital, etc.

On second thought, boring is okay.

3 thoughts on “Who Needs a Blanket When You Have This?

  1. I agree with you that boring is okay. With boring and routine, we can feel more relaxed knowing what to expect and feel less stressed. When I was out of a job, I had no routine – I’d be looking for work and at the same time trying to figure out how to eat decently with the finances I had. Now that I have a job, I go by the wake-up-go-to-work-come-home routine, and it leaves me with a comforting feeling knowing that I am able to stand on my own two feet 🙂 Take care and hope things are okay for you 🙂

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