I’m Moving!


Hello readers,

You know how much I love dogs. Well, I have started a new blog about them. Actually not any old dogs. It’s about dogs you know. It’s about Pippa and Henry, dogs you know well. It’s going to be a challenge because I’m going to try to post every day using the Daily Prompts as inspiration.

So, it’s Erin Tharp, signing off, at least for now.

I almost forgot! The new blog is ThePoochPlaceblog.wordpress.com. I can’t wait to see you there!

I Love Corgis!

Courtesy businessinsider.com

As you know, I am enrolled in Poetry 101. It’s been a challenge (that means you, odes), but I have enjoyed it. Thursday I did a limerick (if you want to read it, it’s my last post) about my disdain of math. It was so much fun! Because of that, I have decided to write another couple.

My pooch’s name is Maggie.

She often gets shaggy.

Still, she looks so pretty, but

My dad calls her Haggie.

We also have Wayne.

To walk is really a strain.

My sister got him dog grip socks,

But too bad he can’t use a cane.