I’m Moving!


Hello readers,

You know how much I love dogs. Well, I have started a new blog about them. Actually not any old dogs. It’s about dogs you know. It’s about Pippa and Henry, dogs you know well. It’s going to be a challenge because I’m going to try to post every day using the Daily Prompts as inspiration.

So, it’s Erin Tharp, signing off, at least for now.

I almost forgot! The new blog is ThePoochPlaceblog.wordpress.com. I can’t wait to see you there!

An Open Letter to WordPress


Courtesy business2community.com

Dear WordPress,

This letter is regarding your Daily Prompts. Or lack thereof. A single word, make that, and a random word is not enough to base an entire post on!

When you had real prompts, it was so much fun. Mom would tell me in the morning what the prompt was, so the wheels could be spinning until the afternoon when I got ready to write. The monotony of my morning routine was not so monotonous with me thinking of a fun spin on today’s prompt.

In my humble opinion, you are taking the lazy way out. It’s as if you’re saying, “This is too much trouble, do it you do it yourself!”

And I’m positive I’m not the only one who feels this way. Hey, here’s an idea. Have a one word prompt, but have a regular prompt, too. Bloggers can decide for themselves.



Erin Tharp