OMG, That’s Annoying!

I told you that bad grammar was my pet peeve, but I’ve thought of something else that is right up there on the extremely annoying scale: laziness. I would never hear the end of it if I admitted this to my parents (actually I think I will be getting a huge I told you so from Mom, who posts my posts for me), but if you just do something right the first time, you’ll save yourself a whole lot of effort.

Probably like every kid on the planet at one time or another, I ran the toothbrush under the faucet instead of brushing my teeth. Instead of making my bed, I just pulled up the comforter, while the blanket and sheet remained a jumbled mess.

There is a new form of laziness for the 21st century, and you know what I’m talking about—it runs rampant on social media: LOL, OMG, IDC. Now that’s lazy! Just SAY it, already! And who comes up with that stuff, anyway?


I know a lot of it came from text messages’ shorthand, which I get. But what about, say Facebook? Why not type the whole phrase? Just laziness, I tell you!

I so wish I had the nerve to say something! It would go something like this: If you took the time just typing what you wanted to say, instead of coming up with abbreviations and reinventing the wheel, you would probably be time ahead.

Now, I just need the guts to say so the next time I see it on FB (oops—I mean Facebook)!